Objective of Department of Philosophy is to make students aware of various streams of Indian and western knowledge, to increase their logical ability so that they understand the importance of diversity and lead life as a good citizen.
After studying various philosophical ideas for individualizing social life, presenting different examples for development in logical approach addoption of a general ideology. To enable the girl students to play the role of responsible citizens by reasoning analyzing social events.
The vision of the zoology Department is to qualify the students to know about basic knowledge of animals, their evolution. Developmental, anatomical and physiological systems, students also find very enteresting facts about animal behavioural studies. The holistic development of the student and make them able to contrlbute effectively for their welfare and society in this dynamic era.
The mission of the department of Zoology is to enhance theoritical as well as practical aspects of the students. The syllabus of Zoology enables students to qualify for the basic knowledge of cell biology, genetics structure and function of different invertebrate and vertebrate systems immunology, Biotechnology, animal behaviour. Applied zoology, physiology, embryology and developmental biology. The purpose of ayllabus of Zoology is to fulfill all the academic levels of this subject
The vision of the Botany Department is to provide basic knowledge about plant occursing different wabitats of world with their evolution, morphological, anatomical and physiological Characters. To create awareness about importance and economic value of plant to tackle the many environmental issue which are useful for welfare of human sociely.
The mission of department of Botany is to enhance the theoritical as well as practical (applied) aspects of plants in the students. Contents of course enables to students with quality knowledge for the preparation in any platform of student life.
The Department of Poltical science end-eavors to generate new knowledge & Produce Students who are trained in Poltical science.
The Department of Poltical science strives to pursue academic excellence in teaching, research and extension.
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Department of Commerce & Management Studies
The department is committed to integrate all facets of Commerce & Management to educate and train innovative & Competent Human resource globally-Suitable for Industry, Business & Service sector & to equip & encourage them to start their own venture both the classes & Masses (urban or rural).
Dedicated to secure & deliver knowledge through teaching, research and extension by more Interactive and practical class room environment and to seek continous Improvement in Quality of education to remain globally competitive.
To develop a Sociological and comparative imagination in Scholars.
A Broad out look as an essential Pre-requisite to study and understand Culture, Community and Society in both the local and global contexts.
The mission of the Department of Sociology to Promate Scientific Understandings to Social life through teaching.
The mission of the Sociology Department is to provide students with a broad and actionable education.
The Department of Geography's vision is to provide its students with educational experiences of the highest quality and to conduct vital research that produces valuable education.
The department is committed to out standing teaching and scholarly activities withen the frame work of academic freedom and diversity of ideas. The Department of Geography is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and to serving our Communities, from local to global.
Depatment isto Prepare students to engage in the Processes that create more sustainable environments and communities throughout the world.
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Commerce & Management Studies
The Department is committed to integrating all facets of business and management in order to educate and train creative and qualified human resource suitable for industry, business and the service sector as well as to equip and encourage them to launch their ideas that will benefit the society. Providing an approachable and motivating support structure for the aspiring nation builders.
In order to maintain academic excellence, we empower students with all aspects of Commerce and Management.
To build a foundation for excellence and encourage the development of Institution as a premier Institution by igniting and promoting enthusiasm, interests and passion in the study of physics as a part of curriculum. In addition to this inculeating logical, rational, and innovative and value oriented approach inbibing scientific passion of observation and analysis to resolve the barriers of learning.
To implant the subject knowledge in the students so that they may serve society in particular and the country in general to make the subject of Physics as a favourite of every student. To provide students with basic skills in solving problems of subjects like mechanics, quantum mechanic. Nuclear physics, electro magnetics and electro dynamics etc., in scientific area of interest. To provide individual attention and enable character building,
हिन्दी विभाग स्नातक एवं स्नातकोत्तर पाठ्यक्रम के साथ- साथ अन्य कई कार्यक्रमों का संचालन करे जिससे छात्राओं को हिन्दी साहित्य के अन्तर्गत अनुवाद, भाषा विज्ञान, जनसंचार एवं पत्रकारिता के संचालन में सहायता मिले। अपने क्षेत्र में आगे बढ़ने और रोजगार प्राप्त करने में सहायता मिले। हिन्दी साहित्य का अध्ययन करके आज की युवा पीढ़ी समाजोन्मुख और संवेदनशील बनने के साथ ही अपने व्यक्तित्व और चरित्र निर्माण में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाए और एक आदर्श व चरित्रवान नागरिक के रूप में अपने आप को स्थापित करें।
हिन्दी भाषा का हर क्षेत्र में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान रहा है। यह विभाग छात्राओं के सर्वांगीण विकास के लिए समय-समय पर अनेक प्रकार की गोष्ठियों, कार्यशालाओं के साथ-साथ रचनात्मक और सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों जैसे - वाद-विवाद प्रतियोगिता, आशुभाषण प्रतियोगिता, रचनात्मक लेखन प्रतियोगिता, नाटक प्रतियोगिता, काव्य पाठ एवं प्रश्नोतरी प्रतियोगिता इत्यादि का आयोजन करता है। इन कार्यक्रमों का उद्देश्य छात्राओं की रचनात्मकता को उभारने के साथ देश-विदेश के प्रतिष्ठित विद्वानों के विचारों से अवगत करवाना और उन बौद्धिक परिस्थितियों का निर्माण करना रहा है जिससे आगे चल कर उन्हें एक नई दिशा मिल सके व छात्राओं में रचनात्मक कौशल तथा सम्प्रेषण कौशल का विकास हो सके।
To Promote develop and Propagate Urdu language. To take action for making available in Urdu language- the knowledge of Scientific and technological development as well as knowledge of ideas evolved in the modern context. To advise the Government of India on issues Connected with Urdu and having bearing on education as may be referred to it. To undertake other Projects for the Promotion of Urdu, and as may be deemed fit by the Council.
Learning Urdu may boost your career if You want to work in or with the lands of Northern India, Pakistan, Great Britian, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and many other places. A knowledge of this- language will indeed help you to find jobs and to expand Your Social network. Speaking, writing and reading are integral to every day life, where language is the Primary tool for expression and Communication studying how People use language what words and Phrases they unconsciously choose and Combine-Can helpus better understand ourselves and why we behave the way we do.
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Computer Science
The Department of Computer Application aims to generate groomed, technically competent and skilled intellectual Professionals specifically from the rural are of Jodhpur to meet the current challanges of the morden computing industry. BCA provides excellent technology to the students as well at faculty so that they can be equipped with the requistic singls as per industry standards. Aurinstinate aspires to prepare students to become truly educeted women and men, ready for life in a complex and competitive world.
The mission of Pustikar mahila Mahavidylay is to provide exceptionally promissing students of all background and to educate them through their mental discipline and social experiences, to develop their intellectual, moral, civic and creative capcaties to the fullest. The aim of this College is to contribute to society through the pursicute of education, learning and research at the highest level of excellence. To provide technical education to the students. Through the well equipped labs. Giving personal attention to weeker Students Consequently allowing them to live up the afther scholarship. To provide a Student-friendly environment that is amicable for Pratical knowledge. To impliment the professional and commnuiation skills of the Students.
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: English literature
To inspire students to opt this language in future as this is the language of modifying and building New and glorifying Body languages and Broad level mindsets of students that encourages and Nurtures literary sensibilities languages. Competence and Critical thinking the department employs innovative and technology enhanced pedagogies, interdisciplinary approaches field work and project based learning building strong foundation of literary Language competence.
To Start English speaking courses to enhance students abilities to appear in Various Interviews as well as to attend any national or International Conferences. To establish academic and research linkages with national & International Institutes. To organise Training Courses / workshops for life skills, gender equality Entrepreneurship Development, carrier opportunities in Defence services and competitive exams for UG & PG students. A Research and Developement magzine for Research Scholars. A well equipped conference room. The Department will attempt to provide learning and research oppurtunities in following areas. New literatures in English, Sociolinguistics and film studies.
To ensure that chemistry is the international expert in providing excellene in education as well as initiating research that ignite the young mind. Without this subject all other are helpless in their work & application.
The mission of the Department of Chemistry is to serve the state and the nation by educating strodents and by advancing their scientific knowledge.
NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Public Administration
The vision of Public Administration Department is to equip students with knowledge and skill of this subject to develop better understanding public governance system and to become a part of it as a responsible citizen.
Our mission is to enable students to have deep knowledge of principles, institutions and processes of Public Administration. We encourage students to adopt innovative and critical thinking about public governance system. The objective is to make students aware about their role in this system and to attract their interats towards modern aspects and dimensions of this subject.
The main objective of the Department & History is to give information about ancient, medieval and Modern History to the female students through teaching and research Activities.
To inculcate self-confidence in female Students and to inculcate in them the ability to face Social challenges by imparting knowledge about interrelationship between global, national, regional and local history.
This department envisions to gives the young women an insight into the practical, scientific, economic, social aspect of running of a home and also mind set to work out solutions to problems encountered in the lives. The department aims to train the students to meet the needs of rural and urban families as contributors to food production, environment conservation and enhancement of human resources.
The mission of Homescience department is empowerment of woman and girl students of rural and urban households’ thorough learing of house hold mangement skills like familly resources mangement, Child Care, low cost Diet preparation, diet planning and flower decoration, vocational skills and interior decoration.